What's the Beginning of Your Story?

The first day of my Las Vegas workshop wasn’t comfortable for me - or my students -- as they revealed the bumps and detours of their lives.  That’s a little ironic - because it was a humor workshop.

Many students resisted the process; most of us don’t want to reveal the painful moments of our lives when we gave up, lost hope, failed at another marriage, or went on a diet to lose weight -- only to gain it back.

Who wants to remember those moments? We’d much rather remember the moments that end with, “... and then I hit the jackpot!”

Most people tell stories where they cast themselves as the hero, and portray others as being jerks. But, as people started to admit their own mistakes -- suddenly the laughs started.

After that, inspiring stories emerged. These stories each had a journey -- just like the people who lived them. My students realized the connection between the things that happen to them every day, and a personal message based on their lives.

An IT tech found her expertise to help others find solutions was driven from the chaos in her childhood. A financial advisory realized how his own loses motivated him to help protect and guide others to security.

Every story has a beginning, middle, and an end. Sometimes, the hard part is to admit the beginning.

I hope to see you at “The Message of You” conference. There, you’ll find the story that motivates your life.

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Judy's Blog

Judy Carter blogs on comedy, storytelling and public speaking techniques, using personal stories and her adventures as a stand-up comic turned motivational public speaker. Her weekly blogs are read by fans of her books, “The Comedy Bible” (Simon and Schuster) and “The Message of You” (St. Martin’s Press), which include comics, speakers, and entrepreneurs. She is also known for teaching the value of humor and storytelling to businesses as a leadership and stress reduction tool.